July 28, 2009

Post 1.0 The first examination of left brain crafting

This is the first blog post for the Scientific Quilter. As a lover of math, science, crafts, and now quilting, the best way to put everything down is to put it into a new blog. With this blog, I hope to span the scope of both sides of the brain, the right side (the crafty) and the left side (the science).

While I have a degree in science, in no way do I ever claim to have all the scientific answers of the world, or know everything about science (more about that later), even in the field that I studied.

I am also a very 'brand new' quilter, and don't really have a ton of knowledge of quilting at this point, so I am no expert in that field as well. I have sewed a few projects and have made a few things, and am not even an expert 'crafter' - just someone who appreciates the craft of craftiness. I have decided to latch on to quilting at this time, I see plenty of order and structure to some forms of quilting.

I used to teach high school science and I found the making of the labs and worksheets very exciting part of my job. The place where the right brain comes in and says 'oh that drain pipe could make a very good ramp for a ball dropping". I had been known to go to a home repair store or a craft store and spend time searching down the aisles.

Things I want to achieve with this blog:
  1. Promote quilting and craftiness

  2. Promote science and math as a non scary entity that doesn't make people go screaming the other direction in fear and anxiety.

  3. Figure out some of the science behind the crafts - what makes the dyes a specific color, and what exactly is tension and how do we quantify it?

  4. Provide a crafty solution to scientific labs that can be done either in classroom or at home. (This one may depend on my archive system - the shed and the quality time spent rummaging through to find my old materials)

  5. Come up with quilty experiments. How do you test what needles work, what different types of batting looks like?
  6. Provide an alternative way of looking at things, bringing creative minds to science, and scientific minds to creativity.

  7. (implied) Revisit my writing and editing skills and become a more confident individual.

That's more than enough objectives. Thanks for viewing.